Putting Our Best Foot Forward

7 juni 2019

Chemistry and sustainability go hand in hand at InterCheM. In all our production processes, we strive for sustainability, including within our workforce! Within the organization, we have been actively involved in our Health Project for a number of years. Through this project, we aim to encourage and motivate our own employees to live more engaged, healthier, and happier lives. We ensure that fresh fruit is always available and regularly organize sports activities. Additionally, once a year, we have Health Week, dedicated to promoting mental and physical well-being.

This year, we set ourselves a wonderful new challenge: participating in a trail run. Our goal was to appear at the starting line with a fit and motivated InterCheM team and collectively overcome this challenge! After (only) 3 months of training, including various sessions led by a personal trainer, the day finally arrived on May 18th, when a team of 9 colleagues embarked on the trail edition of the Marikenloop. After a beautiful and, for some, more challenging than others, 7km, we can proudly say that everyone managed to cross the finish line!

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